By Kathleen Baker |

I have aways loved the idea of the Free Little Libraries that appear in neighborhoods and public spaces. And then I discovered that there were Free Little Art Galleries popping up as well! I researched the development of these FLAGs and the idea intrigued me. What a great idea for Ocean Shores!

The FLAG movement carries this motto: “Take Art - Leave Art - Love Art”

There is no official organization for the FLAGs. Seattle-based artist, Stacy Milrany, is generally credited with creating the first FLAG in late 2020, according to the website,

I decided to design a gallery for Ocean Shores. But, I needed to know that I had the support from my community. So, I set up a Facebook page and posed the question…there was immediate and enthusiastic support.

Next, I needed funds to build the FLAG and a gofundme page was suggested. Within two days, I had garnered $580 from local donors to work with. This was amazing! I could not believe the support and encouragement I received from fellow artists, crafters and patrons of the arts.

My work had begun…I enlisted the help of my multi-talented husband, Tom, to draw up my design and then construct the little gallery. ADA guidelines were used in the construction and will be used in the placement of the outdoor gallery. While it was being built, I began my search for a location to place the gallery. Several suggestions were made and two facilities were approached. Following an enthusiastic and very supportive meeting with the Library Director, Keitha Owen and City Administrator, Scott Andersen, a decision was reached. The little gallery would be placed outside the front door of the library. It had found a home.

Tom Baker begins construction of the Free Little Art Gallery.

I wanted to work in concert with the Library Vision, “To be the essential community resource for residents to access information and ideas that strengthen and enrich their lives.” I feel that this is an essential component of this vision statement. Art certainly enriches one’s life.

Through this gallery, local artists and crafters will be able to donate by furnishing the little gallery with their art. The concept is quite simple…Art is placed in the gallery and the community is encouraged to stop by and browse the selections. If you find a piece that enriches your life, take it home with you. It’s that simple.

Construction progress.

The following have been instrumental to the success of this project:

Construction: Tom Baker
Library Director, Keitha Owen
Ocean Shores City Administrator, Scott Andersen
Exterior Art Design: Carol Senecal-Delu
The 18 Generous Donors who made this all possible.

My hope for the future includes Library art classes to showcase elementary school children’s art, Senior Citizen Art Seasonal Exhibits, Monthly Featured Artist display and Themed Art.

A native of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Kathy was a strong organizer within her community. Following a career with the National Park Service, she and her husband of 43 years, Tom, retired to Ocean Shores in 2019.
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