By Rhonda Brown |

Upon hearing that Frank Elduen had announced his intention to run for Mayor of Ocean Shores I became excited - democracy thrives when citizens have choices. Frank himself sees citizen engagement as well as an “open door” policy with government as one of his many priorities, both in his current role as City Councilperson and potentially as Mayor. One of the many items addressed during our interview was his desire to amplify citizens’ voices in major decisions made by representatives through promoting town halls and a citizen's oversight committee for the City Council Code of Ethics, and broadening this to also include the Mayor’s office.

As active as he is in his roles in Ocean Shores on the City Council and President of the North Beach Booster Club, he has a depth of experience in many other roles, both professional and volunteer. For many years he worked privately as an electrician, and as he moved into more supervisory roles in the industry was eventually recruited by the IBEW to take on the role of a union organizer. After some initial reluctance he agreed and found the job ultimately fulfilling because, “I really thoroughly enjoyed the job because I was changing people’s lives.” Having the ability to improve wages, medical benefits, and retirement kept him happily in that role until retirement. He still maintains his IBEW membership and licenses, even though his life has different priorities now.

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