By B. D. Butler |
In this world, some people immediately stand out when you think about what I like to call “do-gooders.” When my husband and I moved to Ocean Shores almost three years ago, I heard the name Gina McCauley in various facets of the community, including the LGBTQIA+ community. I was told by several people she scheduled LGBTQIA+ boat rides, meet and greets, and so much more. I thought, who is this “Julie McCoy of Ocean Shores?” So naturally, when I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to this lesbian artist, community advocate, and entrepreneur, I jumped at the opportunity.
Gina and I sat down at Ocean Beach Roasters in Ocean Shores and had a bite and coffee. I had coffee, and she had water, which made me wonder how this woman who does so many things has the energy to do the things she does. I wish I had a third of her energy level and passion for the community.
Gina came to Ocean Shores years ago after the tragic loss of her wife. She said, “I needed a fresh start,” and she did just that. I have spoken to many people in this world and, to be quite frank, have rarely come across such a selfless person. She views the world in such a way that you almost feel like you are talking to Willy Wonka, where there is nothing but opportunity and possibilities. It’s truly inspirational. Not only is Gina a queer advocate, but she is also an artist. You may have heard of Snooter-doots (see her website, snooter-doots.com) or seen them around the area, which are extremely popular. She has been making them since the 2000s. It’s considered a fiber-art medium, some also call it felting. Gina got into felting and eventually took that medium, tapped into her entrepreneurial spirit, and sold her products into twenty-plus stores nationwide. Impressive, right?
Along with her felting, Gina is also co-founder of the Facebook group, Happily Sharing Ocean Shores. She and two other women decided they wanted to start a group that promoted Ocean Shores in a positive way and promoted the local small businesses in the area. Happily Sharing, as Gina calls it, wants to focus on the fantastic things this local community has to offer and support the people who own and operate local businesses. “We want to bring awareness to local businesses who might not necessarily have the financial means to do advertising on a large scale,” Gina said. Happily Sharing currently has 2.5k followers and growing. The members who follow their page are not only from the local Grays Harbor area but are from visitors and tourists who have visited and want to stay in the loop of what is happening in Ocean Shores.
You might have heard of the local Ocean Shores Gay Bingo from Out and Older; that is another one of Gina’s brainchildren. She was inspired by the variety of drag bingo in the Seattle area, especially with the drag queen Amazonia. She said, “I loved her raunchy, irreverent humor and quick wit.” The gay bingo here in Ocean Shores is gaining popularity and will hopefully gain momentum, requiring a drag host. “I see so much potential here in Ocean Shores, and there are more and more LGBT community members moving here, and I am so happy about that,” Gina said. “I think it’s important that the local LGBT community comes together, creates more of a community, and supports one another. We have a great community and stuff to do, but there’s always room for more.” Gina added.
When I asked Gina if she had personally dealt with adversity about her being an open lesbian in Ocean Shores, she simply said, “No, everyone has been nothing but kind here.” When I asked Gina, “Have you always had such a generous spirit, and have you always been an advocate for the queer community?” she took a deep breath, and tears began growing in her eyes. “I do it to honor my late wife, she always wanted to help people, and I am doing it for her.” This statement, of course, tugged at my heartstrings and made me see a side of vulnerability that most people don’t like to share. The fact that she has taken tragedy and decided to carry herself with grace and honor her late wife makes me respect her even more.
You might have seen her on the net or out and about dressed as Mrs. Claus, promoting local businesses or an event during the holidays. She brings such a smile to the faces of people she comes in contact with; I mean, who doesn’t love Mrs. Claus?!
After chatting with this inspirational individual for about an hour, I asked one last question, “what are your hopes for Ocean Shores and the LGBTQIA+ community?” Gina responded, “I want to see our community come together; I want to see visibility and want people to live in Ocean Shores without fear.”
This writer is absolutely enamored with the spirit of Gina McCauley and hopes all of us can adopt some of her outlook, generosity, and selflessness to make the world a much better place.