By B. D. Butler |

“I had the pleasure of attending Gay bingo with my adult child. Neither one of us had ever played Bingo previously and it was an amazing experience. Everyone was warm and welcoming and we had a fantastic time. It was heartwarming to see people of all ages and backgrounds having fun and enjoying themselves. V and I are looking forward to attending more bingo events. A special thanks to Gina for organizing this!”

  • Shannon Rubin
    General Manager, Canterbury Inn

I got to sit down with Gina McCauley and discuss the Out and Older group’s Gay Bingo at the Lion’s Club in Ocean Shores. This bingo is a chance for those “in” and “supporting” the local LGBTQIA+ community. It allows participants to come together as a community and the opportunity for some to be their authentic selves when they don’t feel comfortable in the regular community.

Gina is one of the founding members of Out and Older and wanted to start an event that would be a safe haven and a chance to meet others in the local community. Out and Older has held other events, including meet and greets in various locations, which has created comradery and cultivated friendships within the OS community. Gina believes bingo has the potential to become something much bigger and has a vision to bring it to the next level, uniting people from all over Grays Harbor County. “We need participation” Gina said. “It’s open to all people, LGBT+ and allies alike,” she added. Currently, Gina is paying for most things out of her pocket, but there have been people bringing White Elephant Gifts as prizes, and attendees are asked to pay a minimal cover. If you are looking for something to do in the queer community, consider attending, supporting this event, and helping it evolve into something bigger. This bingo might even evolve into a drag queen bingo if enough people begin to attend!

Bingo is held monthly at the Lion’s Club in Ocean Shores. Please “like” the Out and Older in Ocean Shores page on Facebook to stay informed on the dates.

B.D. Butler, an ocean Shores resident, has been a freelance writer, published in various publications for over two decades.
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