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During the Golden Age of Piracy, some buccaneers engaged in matelotage, a form of civil union. Sometimes these arrangements were purely financial — but often they were affectionate, romantic, or sexual.
by Stonewall News NorthwestThe “Original People” name five genders.
by Stonewall News NorthwestFrom a protest emerged a determined coalition advancing equality and county Pride events. “We hope to keep growing and building awareness. We will continue to be a positive voice for the LGBT+ community.” - Jen Gillies, President and Co-Founder, Out & Proud Grays Harbor Coalition
by Stonewall News NorthwestA history of the Pride Flag
by Stonewall News NorthwestFrom New York’s Stonewall riots of 1969 to Grays Harbor County Pride Festival of 2023, a look at how it came to be.
by Stonewall News Northwest