By Tru Saint James |

Have you ever wanted to tap into the insight and life experience of a drag queen? Now is your chance! Ask Ocean Shores resident Tru Saint James her insight into your love life, personal conundrums, business challenges, family dynamics and much more. Tru is like Dear Abby with a faster wit and sharper tongue.

Tru Saint James would love to hear from you. She can be reached by email: Please note in the Subject Line: “Yours Tru-ly”

Dear Tru,

Hi Tru, there sure is a lot of drama and confusion in our local political climate. So many people stirring the pot, muddying the water, and sowing ill will with cheap jabs and hearsay. How do I get involved in a positive way and stay above the fray to find the truth about candidates, their authentic positions and leanings, so my vote best aligns with my priorities and values?

  Signed Small Town Politics

Dear Small Town Politics,

Ah, sweetie, I hear you! I can relate to the frustration of wanting to listen to solutions to issues instead of how someone feels about another candidate. Recently, candidates would instead get their jabs in at one another, make up stories, or divert from factual issues.

Suppose a candidate constantly blames the former placeholder, the administration, or everyone else in town for problems. In that case, they probably don’t know what they are doing and are trying to win by diversion, smoke, and mirrors. I want to hear how we can be in the solution instead of being stuck in the mud. My Aunt Toots always said, “The only thing that likes to swim and dwell in the mud is a pig, so don’t be a pig.” The same is true about life. Don’t dwell on the negative. The more positivity we put out into the universe, the better. What did Michelle Obama say… ah yes, “when they go low, we go high,” even though you know the scenery must not be too bad because the low road freeway is busier than I-5 going south from Seattle on Friday afternoon at 5pm.

Currently, candidates are holding meet and greets, so get out and meet the candidates and go in with questions. Don’t pussy-foot around; you may only get a short time to ask them questions, so be prepared. Have your notes and questions written down. In fact, most, if not all, have social media pages, and you can reach out to them there and ask your questions. Seek, and you shall find. Just remember you may not like what’s behind that polyester bedazzled curtain.

I prefer to vote on issues and listen to my intuition. I also DO NOT discuss my voting with friends and family. It is no one’s business how I cast my vote, and it’s also none of my business how someone else votes either.

Keep your chin up, do your best, and keep moving forward!

I hope this helps!


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