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The lawsuit announced by LGBTQ+ advocates Tuesday was filed on behalf of transgender people under the age of 19 in Maryland, New York and Massachusetts.
By Terri Schlichenmeyer | c.2025, Bloomsbury | $27.99 | 256 pages These days, you’re awfully distracted. You can’t think right, can’t stay focused, you daydream and fantasize and imagine. You’re completely twitterpated and feeling the best kind of despair and happiness together. Face it: you’re hopelessly
His administration will likely run into legal trouble as it implements policies on federal identity documents and housing in federal prisons. This story ( was originally published in Uncloseted Media (, an LGBTQ-focused investigative news outlet. By Orion Rummler, Kate Sosin | President
Many of us were raised with the idea that Christianity and the LGBTQ+ community just don’t mix. But a number of churches here on the Harbor are proving that belief false.
As I march my introverted self down the street, besides alternately holding my wife’s hand, helping to carry our church’s banner, and practicing my best “Miss America” wave, I steady my nerves by reminding myself of those for whom I march.
In addition to the city’s values of “Honesty, Openness, Ethical Behavior, Responsible Actions, and Fairness”, Mayor Martin personally values bringing people together.