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By Terri Schlichenmeyer | c.2025, Bloomsbury | $27.99 | 256 pages These days, you’re awfully distracted. You can’t think right, can’t stay focused, you daydream and fantasize and imagine. You’re completely twitterpated and feeling the best kind of despair and happiness together. Face it: you’re hopelessly
by Stonewall News NorthwestInterview with award-winning science fiction & fantasy author
by Stonewall News NorthwestBy David Clark Done | Introduction All the poems in this book were conceived and written over a period of about two years. At first, they were a body of drafts written without a plan to unite them. Over time, I came to see how they fit together. My purpose in
by Stonewall News NorthwestC. S Anderson has written 30 books and has been included in a couple dozen anthologies and collections - all of them available on Amazon in Ebook, paperback formats with a growing list available on Audible. When asked to describe his genre, he notes, “I write in a few genres.
by Stonewall News NorthwestBy C. S Anderson | A long time ago (ten years or so) in a galaxy far far away (Renton WA) my wife and I and a good friend decided to start our own horror small press. We named it Alucard Press and we proceeded to put out books under that
by Stonewall News Northwest