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Politics / Religion   -   Dec 01, 2023 Marriage Equality and Christianity
Marriage Equality and Christianity

Many of us were raised with the idea that Christianity and the LGBTQ+ community just don’t mix. But a number of churches here on the Harbor are proving that belief false.

by Stonewall News Northwest
Features / Profiles   -   Nov 08, 2023 Those for whom I march
Those for whom I march

As I march my introverted self down the street, besides alternately holding my wife’s hand, helping to carry our church’s banner, and practicing my best “Miss America” wave, I steady my nerves by reminding myself of those for whom I march.

by Stonewall News Northwest
Politics / Religion   -   Nov 04, 2023 Faith and Good Governance in Ocean Shores
Faith and Good Governance in Ocean Shores

Coastal Pride reached out to both mayoral candidates to discuss their approach to their respective faith commitments and their decision-making processes as leaders.

by Stonewall News Northwest
Politics / Religion   -   Sep 01, 2023 Non-Christian Faith and Marriage Equality
Non-Christian Faith and Marriage Equality

By Natalie Wendt | Debates about same-sex marriage often center on a question of religion. But the rhetoric opposing gay marriage comes from only a handful of religious people and does not represent all religious communities. Christian viewpoints alone run from vehement opposition to activism on behalf of gay couples. But

by Stonewall News Northwest
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